A Few of My Favorite Things

As I’ve collected items for my home over the years I noticed that I always seem to gravitate toward birds.

There’s something so sweet and elegant about birds and the use of birds in design is timeless.

As my husband and I toured Germany a couple years ago we had the opportunity to visit some very old and grand castles.  I remember being awed by the grand design and decor of the castles interior. Each room told a story of a time in history that now we can only read about.

It was very pleasing to see that in most of the castles we toured many of the rooms were lovingly restored to their original design.  Many of those designs included exotic and unique birds reminding me of how timeless, classic and cool they can be!

After we got married my husband really encouraged my fondness of birds by gifting me with bird related item whenever he found them.  One of those items was a bird vase, which I still use.


I always feel blessed when he finds something that speaks to my sense of style.


Now I’m always on the hunt for pretty prints with birds and florals. Anything vintage looking really catches my eye. Above is my favorite tea set. My wonderful husband got me this for Christmas a few years back.


The birds above are very special. We used them as the topper of our wedding cake. Even at my wedding I knew I had to have birds represented here and there!


The lovely white birds above were a gift someone gave to us for our wedding.  Now they sit on my favorite cabinet.

Many of my favorite bird finds have been at antique and specialty stores.  I never pass up the opportunity to shop small business and places that sale one-of-a-kind items.

What tickles your fancy?  What’s that must have item in your home?

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